Laugh, Smile, Sit up, Talk, Roll, Crawl, Pull herself up on anything, Walk, Climb upstairs, Wave, Clap, Blow kisses, Give kisses, Give loves, Love pats, Takes my hand and points at pictures in books, Turn pages of a book, Point, Play peek-a-boo, Put a phone or anything like it up to her ear, Dance and Jump, Give 5
Trevor and I have been married since Dec 3, 2005. We are now living in Oregon. Trevor is a full time Optometry student and I am trying to teach our baby Lyla all that I can.
She is so dang cute! I wish Gavin would eat food like she does. I can't wait to see you guys when you come in the spring!
Oh I love the new picks! So so so very cute!
She is getting so big!! She is such a cutie and I love her hair.
awww i miss that little lylie. when are you guys comin down next?
I love this picture of her!
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